You belong here just as much as anyone else



Why exercise when you have cancer?

When given a cancer diagnosis, it can be hard to know what you can do to help. Exercise is something you can control, and that can positively impact your quality of life.

Strong Evidence shows exercise is very powerful to:

  • Reduce side effects of treatment (therefore improving your capacity to tolerate and complete your prescribed treatment)

  • Increase energy, reducing debilitating cancer related fatigue

  • Preserve muscle mass

  • Reductions in hospital length stay for certain procedures

  • Improve treatment tolerance

  • Improve physical functioning, independence and quality of life

  • It helps you feel good – it improves depression and anxiety

Moderate level evidence tells us that exercise can:

  • Improve bone health

  • Improve sleep

Emerging evidence tells us that exercise can:

  • Reduce cardiotoxicity from treatment

  • Reduce and manage Chemotherapy Induced Peripheral Neuropathy (CIPN)

  • Reduce falls

  • Reduce pain

  • Improve sexual function

The most important thing is to do the RIGHT kind of exercise, at the RIGHT intensity and build up to the recommended levels to match the evidence and get the benefits.

(Campbell et al 2019, ACSM 2019)

Exercise is something you can do, something you can control throughout this process.

That in itself can be empowering.

We know that you are not your diagnosis. We spent time getting to know you and work towards your goals.

It is our intention to support you to engage with exercise. To help you take that first step. To show you where to start. We complete an individual assessment and find out all about you, including your goals and what is important to you.

Is exercise safe?

Yes. The international guidelines say exercise is safe, effective, and essential when delivered by a qualified health professional with experience on oncology and if it is individually prescribed.

Can I exercise during treatment?

Yes. We know that the right kind of exercise is very important during treatment. We also know that this can be difficult to maintain as you might not be feeling great. We can help with motivation and making sure you are doing the right kind of exercise at the right time.

How can I exercise when I am already feeling so fatigued?

We spend time with you 1:1 to work out a plan that is achievable for you. Something is always better than nothing. We can support you, and progress as able.

What classes do you offer?

  • In studio small group sessions, where you complete your individual program with support

  • Outdoor group sessions – circuit style training with individual modifications

  • Online group sessions – circuit style training with individual modifications

Do you offer online appointments?

Yes! You have the option to attend face to face, or over a videocall. We run online exercise groups as well as face to face groups.

Should you focus on strength, or cardio, or core?

Let’s work together to come up with a plan.

I had finished my treatment for cancer quite a while ago. Can I still attend?

Yes! We would love to work with you. We know that sometimes the impact of cancer and its treatment can have long lasting effects. We can help.

Do I need a referral?

No. You can make an appointment without a referral. However, any information from your GP, medical or allied health team would be helpful. This can be written, email or over the phone.

How do I make an appointment?

Everyone has a 1:1 50 minute appointment initially. This can be booked directly using Cliniko online, or via email or phone.

Is it safe to exercise with a stoma or ostomy bag?

Yes. We can talk you through any precautions, and we won’t prescribe any exercises that you are not ready for.

Is it safe to attend face to face?

Yes. We have strict cleaning protocols. We temperature check each participant and wear masks.

Please do not attend if you have any cough or cold symptoms, sore throat or high temperature.

Depending on where you are during treatment regime, we will need to monitor your blood results. This can change the type of exercise we do.


  • Oncology Physiotherapy Initial assessment 50 minutes $135

  • Telehealth assessment 50 minutes $135

  • Oncology Physiotherapy review appointment 40 minutes $110

  • 1:1 exercise training with Oncology Physiotherapist 40 minutes $110

  • Group session casual 50 minutes $32

  • Telehealth group casual 50 minutes $32

  • Group 6 session pass $165

(*note – we break over school holidays so no classes during this time)

We recommend discussing an Chronic Disease Management (CDM) plan with your GP which allows 5x Medicare subsidised sessions (1:1 appointments only)


  • bank transfer before the session

  • EFT on the day

Note: Most consultations attract private health insurance rebate. After payment, you can submit your receipt to your private health company for rebate.

Fees and charges may change without notice. Less than 12 hours notice for cancellation may attract a $40 cancellation fee.

Can I use private health insurance?

Yes if you have ancillary cover. All sessions are delivered by a physiotherapist, including groups. The amount you get back will depend on your level of cover. You pay the full amount for the session, and then submit your receipt to your private health insurance company.

More questions?

It can be an overwhelming time. Please send us an email and we can answer your questions.

We aim to have exercise be a positive experience, adapted to suit you and your ability.

Please don’t hesitate to send us an email, or call.

Gift Vouchers

As a support person, seeing someone you care about experience a cancer diagnosis and go through treatment can be difficult.

Buying someone a gift voucher is a great way to help them. (Note everyone must have an individual initial assessment before entering group sessions).

You are capable of great things

Gain control over cancer